Lifeguard Courses

Want to train as a beach Lifeguard?

Our next beach lifeguard course is scheduled for 7-12th April 2025

Please Contact Us for further details or to enrol.

The course will run from 9:30am to 5:00pm each day and the cost is £250.

The course includes:

5 full days of training (minimum of 40 hours) with a final assesment on day 6.
Beach lifeguard and first aid manuals for each candidate.
Annual membership to SLSGB and NNSLSC.

All applicants must:

Click to continue reading the course requirements
  • Provide their own wetsuit (boots, gloves and hood depending on the time of year)
  • Be 16 or older on the day of assessment
  • Be able to swim 400m (16 lengths of a 25m pool, in a forward- facing stroke in under 8 minutes continuously)
  • Be able to swim 200m in under 5 minutes
  • Be able to run 200m on sand in under 40 seconds
  • The SLSGB Beach Lifeguard Award is a national qualification for the beach lifeguard covering; fitness, practical lifeguarding skills and knowledge, rescue techniques, life support and first aid.

The SLSGB qualification is accredited by the RNLI and many UK council lifeguard services, as well as being recognised internationally. However, please note that completion of this course does not guarantee employment as a lifeguard.

We have a range of people taking lifeguard courses with us from the ages of 16 and up.

Not everyone who takes a course wants to be a lifeguard and there is no commitment to become one. It is however a great way of improving fitness, first aid and waterwork skills.

We can guarantee you will take away a whole range of new skills and knowledge from the week.

Spaces on the course are limited and will be allocated on a first- come, first- serve basis.

Get Fit. Stay Fit. Save Lives!